Smart Meters & Appliances

A smart meter is an electronic device that notes the consumption of electric energy at intervals of an hour or less and communicates the information daily back to the utility. Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system. Major concern for the utilities is Electricity theft. In thermodynamic limits only two-thirds of the energy in the raw materials actually makes it onto the grid in the form of electricity. Various smart grid systems have dual functions which includes Advanced Metering Infrastructure systems which, when used with various software can be used to detect power theft and by process of elimination, detect where equipment failures have taken place. The behaviour of electricity stealing not only makes the power industry suffering huge financial losses but also threatens the main power supply security and reliability. Un-hooking technology will lead to the electricity stealing. Through GSM technology, the distribution code is sent to substation the operator can instantly attend the pole and through the microcomputer and can get meter code from where the power has been theft. Hence the theft can immediately stopped at the place which it is happening.

  • Home Energy Management Systems
  • Advanced metering infrastructure
  • Wireless mesh networks
  • Smart Utility Networks

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