Sathya Shankara Sharma
Manipal University
Dr. Sathyashankara Sharma, has obtained his Ph.D. award in the field of Materials Engineering at the age of 43 years from Manipal University. At present he is serving as Professor in the Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Department. He is having core competence in Heat Treatment of metals /alloys /composites, Material manufacture and processing. He is having 146 (65 Journal papers and 81 conference presentations) National/International paper presentations and Journal publications. He is presented technical papers in the International conferences held at United States of America, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Nepal and Srilanka. He guided one Ph. D. work and is presently guiding 10 Ph. D. research scholars. He is the Editor in Chief for “Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanics†and serving as Reviewer for International Journal “Tribology Internationalâ€, “Universal Journal of Materials Scienceâ€, “Renewable and sustainable energyâ€, USA, “Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineeringâ€, Horizon publisher and “Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Biomechanics†and International Journal Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, Czech Republic. He has obtained best presenter award twice and got best paper award six times for his conference papers. He is the Fellow member of Institution of Engineers (IE) & life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).
Research Interest
Heat Treatment of metals, alloys,composites, Material manufacture and processing