Tony Cox
Cryptsoft, Australia
Title: Standardized encryption key management for smart grids with KMIP
Biography: Tony Cox
With the increased focus on cyber security within our critical infrastructure, the need for encryption as a primary defense is also growing. Wherever encryption is deployed, must the encryption keys be managed? Deploying standard-based key management infrastructure ensures these encryption keys can be managed throughout their entire lifecycle in a secure manner, using commercially available equipment via the KMIP (Key Management Infrastructure Protocol) specification. Developed within OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards), KMIP has widespread adoption in storage, information infrastructure and cloud deployments where it underpins the use of many forms of security objects including encryption keys, certificates, tokens, passwords, biometrics and identities. Multiple smart grid technology suppliers are now deploying KMIP conformant technology within their infrastructure to ensure maximum interoperability without sacrificing security. Adopting a well deployed standard means security solutions are readily available from a competitive market, delivering a greater return on investment from cyber security budgets. The KMIP specification has been developed and deployed since early 2009 by members of the KMIP Technical Committee (TC) whose membership includes many well-known brands in the IT and Cyber security industries and is now in its 5th iteration (v1.4) with version 2.0 well on the way. The specification documents cover both the detail of the specification as well as specific deployment profiles, ranging from key foundries, to encrypting storage arrays to post quantum computer cryptography. As smart grid deployments increase, we expect to see more requirements presented to the KMIP TC for inclusion in continued development of the specification.
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